
Perspectives for the Development of Gas Purification Methods
The latest issue of the journal Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna features an article authored by Dr Urszula Miller, Vice Dean for Student and Community Affairs at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Wrocław University of Technology, and INSTAL Warszawa S.A. Vice President for Development Dr Jacek Dziubek, entitled ‘Fluidised Bed Scrubber - Perspectives for the Development of Gas Purification Methods’.
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The furnace and boiler - the heart of the biomass boiler room
The furnace and boiler - the heart of the biomass boiler room - in the ‘Design and Build’ project we are implementing as part of the „Modernisation of the heat source with the use of Renewable Energy Sources at MPGK Włodawa” formula have arrived on site and have been installed. The fuel of the 6 MW boiler will be forest and agro biomass.
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Heat in the middle of summer
Some time has passed since the biomass boiler plant at the Kiczury Heat Plant was put into operation. The ribbon cutting ceremony took place in March.
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Instal Warszawa S.A.

The company is one of the oldest companies that specialize in construction and installation in Poland. It has been completing various contracts in Poland and abroad for over 60 years now. The company executes complex realizations such as:


Water - sewage


Power engineering

